Monday, September 22, 2008

Job's I would never want

I was visiting my friend Cathy at the hospital last night and I decided without a doubt that I could never be a nurse. Her nurse was cleaning her incision, giving her an IV, giving her medicine, monitoring her blood sugar, arranging for her to get a shower, and calling for housekeeping to clean her room. All of that was done in an hours worth of time!! Even if I could do all of those things as soon as I had to actually clean a wound or see blood of any kind I would either get sick or faint. So THANK YOU to those of you that can do this!

One other job I would never do is wait tables. I think I would get so frustrated with people that I would blow up at them. I couldn't handle all the complaining and special ordering! My motto would be "shut up and eat it"! I think I wouldn't make much in tips......

Then there are the obvious jobs I wouldn't or couldn't do like be a garbage collector (Richard your stories convinced me of this), do anything on a boat or with fish (again I would get sick or faint), sing (although I wish I could do this!), and so many more.

What jobs could you or would you never do???? Please share!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I posted on Facebook the other day a status of "Kathy MacKenzie wonders why?" and today, here, I am going to try and explain. There are so many things going on right now that I just don't understand. I don't understand why my beautiful, loving, friend is so sick and seems to be going through one valley after another. I can't help but wonder and ask God why? I know that he has a perspective that we don't but that doesn't stop me from wondering why. I also wonder why she has such courage and such humor in the midst of such difficult times. I actually know the answer to that, it is God the one and only. I do wonder if I would be as full of grace as she has been if I were in her shoes.

One other thing I don't understand is why people can be so critical. I know we all have opinions but it seems like we are letting our opinions control our attitudes and our mouths. There is nothing wrong with sharing our thoughts and feelings but it seems like we as a whole are sharing more and listening less. I am taking this completely out of context but as I am pondering this thought I can't help but think back to Richard's last point on Sunday where he said that sometimes we just need to "shut up". If we want to be different and make a difference we need to stop talking, stop criticizing, stop judging and start acting in a way that pleases God and not ourselves! I am preaching to myself on this one!

The other thing I wonder is why we think it is all about "me". It seems like the whole world is in "me" mode. How does this make "me" feel? How does this make "me" look? Where is the place for "me"? Why didn't you think of "me"? Well guess what, it isn't about "me", it is about God. It is about how God can work through "me". My prayer is for "me" to get out of the way so that God can actually work!

Anyway, that is just a few of the things that I wonder. What do you wonder why about?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Letting Go

Today has been an emotional day for me. My Dad died 14 1/2 years ago and now my Mom has decided at the age of 70 that she is going to get married again. Her fiance's name is Wayne and they are happy as can be about being together and getting married. I however am having a hard time with it. I am not having a hard time with my Mom getting married but with my Dad being replaced. You would think that at 41 years old I would be mature enough to deal with this but I'm NOT.

Wayne is a really nice and caring man. The kind of person I want my Mom to have in her life and the kind of person that will be a good Grandfather for my girls. BUT it isn't supposed to be a nice man that is my girls Grandfather it is supposed to be MY Dad.

I am really trying to adjust to all of this and for the most part I am except for the fact that right now all I can think of is that I miss my Dad. It isn't fair that he died when I was so young and that I never got to see him with my children or Andy. So I guess what I am really doing is mourning all over again for the loss of my Dad. Not the loss of the everyday Dad that left 14 years ago but the loss of who my Dad was supposed to be in my life as I grew into adulthood and had a family. I thank God for the man that my Dad was and for the gift he was to me. I don't know who I would be if it hadn't been for my Dad.

My prayer now is that I can accept Wayne for the person that he is in my life and the life of my family and that I can love him despite the fact that he is in a place that in my heart will always belong to my Daddy.