I just wanted to say that I am so thankful to have friends. I just spent the afternoon with two friends and it was so fun. It's not that we did anything that great, in fact, we did nothing. It was just being together. It was being able to spend time with each other talking and sharing our lives. It didn't matter if we were in our casual clothes or if our houses were clean. All that mattered was that we were enjoying being together. It didn't hurt either that all of our kids were in school!
There is freedom in having friends that allow you to be yourself. I know that I am quirky in a lot of ways but I also know that my friends accept me the way I am. I have been blessed with not just friends that are fun but friends that are real. When I first moved here I longed for friends and it is amazing to me to see how in God's timing he has placed the perfect people in my life just as I need them. Who would have guessed that God knew what and who I needed!
Anyway, I just want to say thank you to all of you that if I am lucky enough to call friend for your friendship and acceptance.
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2 months ago